Gates for parks and public gardens: practical and aesthetic solutions

Parks and public gardens are a precious asset for the community. Making them safer and more accessible with a garden gate is a sign of respect.
cancello parco pubblico

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Parks and public gardens are a precious asset for the community. Making them safer and more accessible with a garden gate is a sign of respect.

However, to ensure the protection of these spaces and facilitate their use, it is important to provide safe and reliable fences and gates, which allows to regulate access, prevent acts of vandalism but above all for the safety of park users, generally families with children running around more or less freely.

So thefore a gate for public gardens and parks, or any controlled access and different from a gate, has the task of preventing intrusions but also of protecting the safety of those inside the public space, preventing the kids from going out and escaping the control of the parents or, for example, that it is possible to transit with prohibited vehicles such as motorcycles and mopeds.

But garden gates are not only used to ensure the safety of the park: they also have their own aesthetic value and environmental integration.

In this article we will discover the different types of garden gates suitable for public parks and municipal green spaces, both from an aesthetic and a functional point of view.

Garden gates for public parks: the key features

Parks and public gardens are meeting places for children, the elderly, young people and families – and in this context it is important to choose garden gates that guarantee a certain level of safety and reliability, which translates into:

  • Ability to withstand even significant shocks and stresses
  • Provision of tools (such as automations for gates with controlled access) that can discourage unauthorized access
  • Corrosion and weather resistance
  • Presence of safety systems that keep users safe from any accidents.

Therefore: if the choice of the gate can also be dictated by aesthetic considerations, attention should be focused on safety tools, starting with an installation carried out by qualified staff.


Automation for gates for parks and public gar

Motorized gates is a practical and functional solution for parks and public gardens. Thanks to technological development, the opening and closing of gates can be automated, providing greater safety and convenience for both users and park staff.

Furthermore, automating garden gates allows for greater access control, limiting entry at certain times or in specific areas of the park, as well as saving time and human resources, making park management decidedly smarter.

Pedestrian accesses can be automated, with a turnstile system that can prevent, for example, access with bikes, electric scooters or mopeds, where these means are not allowed, and at the same time make it difficult for the little ones to go out without the adult supervision.

In the same way, automations can be applied to swing or sliding gates which usually guarantee or can guarantee more comfortable access or are used for access by garbage collectors, machines for the maintenance of public parks or for emergency vehicles.

Automation for VDS gates: experience with the PA and maximum safety

VDS Automation has specialized for more than thirty years in the study and production of automations for swing gates, sliding gates and other types. For this we can help you in a very short time to install an automatic gate or an automation on a gate to be installed to fit your needs.

Furthermore, our expertise with the services and characteristics required by the Public Administration makes us a reliable partner also for installations in places intended for public use such as parks and gardens, offices or exhibition facilities. Thanks to the wide range of machines and components, together we can find the best solution for your needs.

Automation for swing gates

The swing automation can be applied to gates of any size and weight, and is available in an electromechanical or hydraulic version. In the VDS catalog you will find these types of automations for swing gates:

Per agevolare l’istallazione dell’automatismo, è possibile ricorrere a soluzioni all-inclusive come i nostri kit automazione per cancelli battenti.

Automation for sliding gates

The sliding automation is ideal for large gates and for parks with slopes or gradients. Once installed, sliding automation is generally easier to manage than swing automation, and requires less maintenance. Let’s look specifically at the types of automations for sliding gates in our catalogue:

Also in this case, using automation kits for sliding gates is a valid solution to facilitate installation.

Whether it’s a swing gate or a sliding gate, deciding to insert an automation in a public environment is a choice that will make it easier for the community to use.

Choose the quality and safety of VDS products.


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